Colour Therapist Jessica Mundroina talks about how it can help bring back equilibrium in your life
By Shevlin Sebastian
One day, colour therapist Jessica Mundroina got a call at her home in Nottinghamshire, England. Sandra James (name changed), a 24-year-old, wanted to meet her. She was a single child whose parents had divorced. Her mother was very dominating. “Sandra did not know how to share or express her feelings,” says Jessica.
So, she came to Jessica. After hearing her life story, over a couple of sessions, Jessica made Sandra lie down on the bed. Then she directed blue light at her throat and yellow light in the area below the chest and above the stomach.
“Each light is aimed at the chakras in the body,” says Jessica.
In fact, the colour of the seven chakras follows the VIBGYOR pattern of the rainbow.
The Violet chakra is at the crown; Indigo is at the eyebrow level; Blue represents the throat; Green is the heart chakra; Yellow is at the solar plexus; Orange represents the abdomen, while Red is at the base of the spine.
Soon, Sandra felt better. “I was sceptical at first,” she says. “But after six sessions of colour being aimed at me, I could feel a change in me. I would recommend this therapy, but you must be open-minded about it.”
But in India, colour therapy is yet to gain wide acceptance. So Jessica, who has relocated to Kochi, is holding a workshop at the Backyard Cafe, to bring about awareness of this therapy and the impact of colour in our lives.
“Every colour invokes in you a certain feeling,” says the therapist. “In Christianity, purple or violet, which is regarded as regal and spiritual, is associated with the Virgin Mary. In Hindu mythology, the goddesses wear different colours. If you see Kali she is in black, with a red tongue. Saraswathy, the goddess of learning, is always in white, which means she is virginal and pure. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, wears pink or some form of orange. It implies gold and cash. As for red, it is the colour of sexuality.”
If you look at Indian weddings, red is used for the bride, in terms of lipstick, nail polish, earrings and the saree, to excite the passion of the spouse. “More than three thousand years ago, the Egyptians used henna for highlighting red, but many cultures also used red in their weddings, especially for the bride's trousseau,” says Jessica.
As for blue, it radiates peace. “Why are hospital uniforms blue?” says the therapist. “The patients feel calm and reassured when they see the colour. When you mix black in it, the colour becomes dark blue, which is the colour of depression. So, you will not see anybody wearing dark-blue as an uniform. ”
As for yellow, it is the predominant colour of communication. Yellow stimulates you to speak. “Green, on the other hand, is the colour of nature and new shoots,” says Jessica.
In fact, during the Easter Mass, the priest wears green vestments. “Because green signifies growth, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” she says.
Interestingly, those who come for therapy are mostly women. “It could be either because men don't believe in it or if they told their friends they will laugh at them,” says Jessica.
She adds that it is a meditative form of therapy. “You must have faith in the therapy,” she says. “Otherwise it will not work. Whether you go to a doctor or a therapist, in order to get healed, you must believe that you are in the right hands.”
(The New Indian Express, Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram)