Alencier Ley Lopez talks about his experiences in the films, 'Kasaba', 'Munthiri Vallikal Thalirkkumbol' and 'Monsoon Mangoes'
Photos: Alencier Ley Lopz by Albin Mathew; the poster of 'Kasaba', the late Jose Paramus
One day, when Alencier Ley Lopez was acting in 'Kammatipaadam' (2016), production controller Alex called him up and said that there was a role for him in 'Kasaba', which starred superstar Mammooty. But Alencier felt nervous. He had never acted with Mammooty, or met him. “I had heard that he was a tough person,” says Alancier. “So I told Alex that I was hesitant to act with the star.”
Alencier replied in the affirmative. “Good,” the man said. “We will be going to America for a couple of months. You have a role in 'Monsoon Mangoes'.” But when the conversation ended, Alencier began to have doubts. 'Was it really Fahadh or an imposter who called me?' he thought. So he called back on the same number and said, “Who is this? Don't play the fool with me.”
In Louisiana, in March, 2015, several Indian-Americans, from other states, would come and stay at an apartment, where Alencier also lived. They would play their small parts and go away. One evening, a man by the name of Jose Paramus arrived. “He immediately began reading the Bible,” says Alencier. “He did not speak much.”